Time to plan the new year, if not done already.
14 – Happy Valentines Day! Give someone you love a hug.
24 – Holstein Club annual banquet
March:8 – Pomona Grange meeting; coffee & donuts: 9:30am; meeting promptly at 10am
— Host: Oxford Grange – Program: A Trip to Bosnia
— Judging: Art & Photo & Family Activities projects
April: Grange Month
20 – Work Day at the Norwich Hall: 9am-3pm
27 – Lecturer’s Conference in Cortland
5 – Rural Life Sunday
11 – Shopping trip to Waterloo outlets after a pancake breakfast
Stan’s Cranberry Salad:
1 can (15 oz) of whole Cranberry sauce
Mix in 1/2 cup sugar
Add 1 can (20 oz) of crushed Pineapple (juice included)
1 box (3 oz) of Raspberry gelatin, dissolved in 1/2 cup boiling water
Mix everything together and chill
County Committee Leaders:
Building Rentals: David Barnes & Executive Committee
Legislative: Gary Sweet
Audit & Finance: Richard Fairchild
Agricultural: Matthew Jenne
Soil & Water: James Jenne
Kitchen: Barbara M. Lawton
Pie Booth: Janice VanHouten
Youth & Junior: Susanna Colquitt
Membership: Barb & Ed Lawton
Publicity: Susanna Colquitt (Website: Matthew Jenne)
Family Activities: Deborah Barnes
Luncheon hosts for 2013:
March 9: Oxford
June 8: Otselic Valley
September 14: Kelley
December 14: Smithville Center
Remember the County Grange is here to help you!
If you would like to have any degree work, installation of officers, welcoming ceremony, draping of the charter or just have questions on your duties of office, contact a Pomona officer.
Rural Life Sunday
The service will be held May 5th at 3pm. Watch for more details in the next edition!
Included in this newsletter are the details for our Art & Photo contest as well as categories for our Family Activities contests. Please read over & plan to participate.
From our Pomona Master
There were two significant landmarks reached at the last Pomona meeting, held December 8th. The first was that all the Pomona officers were in attendance – something that hasn’t happened in a while. Thankfully, good health and weather helped make that possible. Secondly, there were either written or verbal reports from all of out community (subordinate) Granges. Again, that is something that is something that has not happened in recent meetings. It is important that we hear what is going on in our local Granges. We all need to be aware of what our sister Granges are busy with, so that we can support one another.
I encourage everyone to attend the Next Pomona meeting on Saturday, March 9th. The Lecturer and Family Activities chair will host our county contests at that time, so artwork and talent can participate in the State contest in April. All entries should be submitted by 10am for judging. I am counting on the subordinate membership to support these activities. Let’s continue the “All Grange Participation” begun in December! Look for further information on these contests elsewhere in this mailing. A highlight of the meeting will be a talk by our own Lady Assistant Steward, Deb Barnes. She will share her experiences in Bosnia where she did a mission work trip last summer. Oxford Grangers will be serving up a delicious luncheon for all attendees.
Good for thought in the wake of the recent tragedies in our country, a quote from Lyndon Johnson made about 40 years ago: “We cannot control crime without controlling the random and wanton distribution of guns.” Maybe one of our subordinate Granges would like to initiate a resolution concerning gun control.
My best wishes to each of you for much success as we move forward into 2013.
Details for the Waterloo shopping trip:
We will be attending the Willet Church monthly breakfast and helping them clean up so that some of our Grangers can join us. Plus it is always fun working with others.
Breakfast runs from 7 to 10am so if we plan to be at Willet by 9am then all should have plenty of time to eat and compare lists. If you would like to carpool, call Susanna and let her know so that we do not leave anyone behind. (607) 244-0897
From the Kitchens of Grange Cooks:RECIPE FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR
~~~ Submitted by Marge Davis, Pomona
Clean thoroughly 12 whole months;
Divide into 365 equal parts, set aside;
Prepare one part only at a time as follows:
Mex well into each day:
~1 part Patience
~1 part Work
~1 part Courage
Add to each day: 1 part each of Hope, Faithfulness, Generosity and Kindness
Blend with:
~ 1 part Prayer
~ 1 part Meditation
~ 1 part Good Deed
Season the mixture with:
~ A dash of Good Spirits
~ A sprinkle of Fun
~ A pinch of Play
~ A cup of Good Humor
Pour in a vessel of Love.
Cook over Radiant Joy.
Garnish with a Smile.
Serve with Quietness, Unselfishness, and Cheer.
The Pomona Grange will once again be catering the Chenango County Holstein Club annual banquet, on Sunday, February 24, 2013 with a “snow” date of March 3rd. The kitchen committee, chaired by Barb Lawton, will be in charge of planning and serving this meal. Everyone will be asked to assist in some way. Help will be needed in setup and clean up of the Pomona Hall before and after the meal; preparing and serving the food; and clean-up in the kitchen. Many hands make light work, so be prepared to say “Yes, I can” when contacted by the kitchen committee.
The Graces and the Lecturer hosted the annual Pomona Harvest Dinner on November 4th, 2012. A turkey dinner with all the trimmings was served to 39 Grangers; 2 Junior Grangers and 36 guests. Many thanks to all the Granges and Grangers that helped make this a suffessful event. All Granges participated by furnishing a portion of the meal. Each art of the meal was tasty and arrived in a timely manner. Thank you each and every to one of you that in some way made for a successful event.
Following the dinner, Lecturer Susanna Colquitt introduced part of the Norwich United Church choir. This group entertained us with several lovely musical pieces, including some especially worded for the occasion. Reports, awards and certificates announced at State Grange Session were distributed to participating Granges and Grangers.
As usual, a collection was taken to help defray expenses. After paying the bills, the Graces decided to purchase another 8 foot table with some of the remaining funds. The balance of the collection was turned over to our Treasurer.
To Simplify this posts, the contest rules were not included, please visit the NYS Grange website for those details.